Renal Transplant Ultrasound
Exam date:
Multiple sonographic images of the kidneys and bladder were assessed for gray scale appearance and color doppler flow.
The native kidneys are atrophic and have increased cortical echogenicity.
A (right/left) lower quadrant transplant kidney is identified.
It measures ____ cm in diameter with normal cortical thickness and echogenicity. No perinephric fluid collections or hydronephrosis is identified.
The arterial and venous anastamoses have no evidence of stenosis. Doppler flow is identified to the periphery of the kidney.
The renal artery peak systolic velocity is ____ cm/sec. (Normal less than 200 cm/sec at the anastamosis)
The intra-renal resistive indices range from ____ to ____. (Normal less than 0.8)
1. Normal renal transplant.
Exam date:
Multiple sonographic images of the kidneys and bladder were assessed for gray scale appearance and color doppler flow.
The native kidneys are atrophic and have increased cortical echogenicity.
A (right/left) lower quadrant transplant kidney is identified.
It measures ____ cm in diameter with normal cortical thickness and echogenicity. No perinephric fluid collections or hydronephrosis is identified.
The arterial and venous anastamoses have no evidence of stenosis. Doppler flow is identified to the periphery of the kidney.
The renal artery peak systolic velocity is ____ cm/sec. (Normal less than 200 cm/sec at the anastamosis)
The intra-renal resistive indices range from ____ to ____. (Normal less than 0.8)
1. Normal renal transplant.